Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chapter III: Motivation/Fun

Ok, so just as a precursor...these notes are exactly as they are in my notebook, EXACTLY! Since then, I have figured a few more things out. But I thought I'd post what I was thinking, then go back and answer my own questions...hope your coffee's strong, I was feeling cynical that night:
*What does the we(st) have to offer the majority church (not including funds and manpower)?
It seems that in our attempts to serve them, they end up serving us!!! I'm so frustrated!!!! WHAT DO I HAVE TO OFFER THEM????
*Do short term mission trips enforce or change stereotypes?

Ok, now here are my current thoughts:
The western church does have a lot to offer the majority church. It is yet one member of the body. And by no means is the majority church superior (different, and in a different stage, but not superior). I think I had to figure that out in my head. American churches have, as of late, in my mind been so "blaughck". We offer them a different view of God, in exchange for their's. I think that I was being very me focused in my "attempt" to being others focused. We are to serve God FIRST, and in doing so, will serve others, not the other way first. I don't think it always works vice versa. So yes, in going to Hong Kong I will learn from them, and hopefully they'll learn from me, but not "me-ness" but the "God-ness" about me. And as for offering something to them, let me offer it first to God, and let Him multiply and bless and dish out what He chooses.
For the second question, I think that short term missions trips can, and hopefully do a little bit of both.

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