Saturday, September 23, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary...TO ME! Yay. So I was sitting on the bus, wondering what day it was, when I realized that I have been here one month today. It's so crazy! I'm really sad that it is already over. But that's OK, 8 months more. And I'm so pumped for them. I'm excited for now. So yeah. Let me give a review about what has happened the first month:
I have learned...
how to get around Hong Kong (some of it)
I have learned how to use my map book
how to function w/o a lot of personal space
how to fit in by not saying anything
how to walk like I know what I'm doing and where I'm going
how to balance when I'm on a train
how to...ah heck. I have learned so many things that I can't finish this list. I usually love lists, but at this moment, I'm sick of them. I need to go to bed. Anywhoo...the most of this first month has been learning about this place, people, transition, and myself. So yeah. Good ol' HK.

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